28 November 2010

What Barack Obama Said..and Did?

I was recently looking on Gallup's Website at some polls regarding the Gulf Oil Spill and public opinions towards the event and who should take responsibility in its causation.  I then tried to look into what President Barack Obama was planning on doing in terms of renewable energy and the future of this countries involvement with oil. As far as what I know Barack Obama has SAID what his opinion was on renewable energy use in America and what the future will have in store for America if we don't consider the future of renewable energy. In the video Barack Obama said he will "invest $150 Billion dollars over the period of 10 years," this statement was in 2008. "in establishing a green energy sector creating up to 5 million new green jobs, and those jobs pay well and can not be outsourced." Two years later in a USA Today/Gallup poll one of their questions, where a random-digit-dial sampling of 1,014 adults of age 18 or older living in the continental U.S., on June 11-13th, 2010, asks "As you may know, BP is currently in charge of the efforts to control the oil spill and its effects on the ocean and coastal areas. Do you think the federal government should take over these efforts, or should BP continue to be in charge?" In respondents 45% believed that the federal government should be responsible for the cleanup efforts and 49% believed that BP should be responsible for it. that means if asked whether or not the federal government needs to or BP needs to, and more people take this as a enforcement of movement towards renewable energy resources.

1 comment:

  1. I think it makes sense that BP cleans up their own mess... Why should taxpayers foot the bill for some oil company's mistake?
