This Tuesday December 7th, 2010, we will all be giving a speech about our topic lasting for around 5 minutes and highlight a specific issue I found interesting about the research I have conducted over the past several months. While trying to decide what was most important to talk about I couldn't settle on any specific attribute about renewable energy. Then I thought, "Well, what is the most interesting thing I have learned about the topic in general?" To that question I would have to say that it would have to be the divide among citizens and voters regarding their stances on renewable energy. I didn't realize there was so much of a partisanship perspective that is involved in this technology. In an article I found, 38% of PEOPLE believe that the Democratic party would do a better job at dealing with the nation's energy problems, as oppose to 28% of the people who believed the Republicans would do a better job.
In another poll done showed evidence that in terms of the overall goal for our countries answer for energy issues, 52% of Republicans OVER 28% of Democrats, believe that the top priority to keep energy prices low, which may come at a cost to the environment. While when asked about the top priority should be to protect the environment at all costs, 41% of Republicans agreed with this and 68% of Democrats endorsed this statement.
These are just a few of the examples I have come across as to the divide among political parties about the energy issue.