21 September 2011

Peak Oil Evidence

One of the most sobering aspects of nonrenewable resources is that essentially they will run out sooner or later. They are a finite resource. How will that effect us in this lifetime? The fact is actually that it will affect us in this present lifetime. The resources will not 'run out' per se, but what will affect everyone is 'peak oil'. Peak oil  is the point in time when the maximum rate of global petroleum extraction is reached, after which the rate of production enters terminal decline. This relates to global extraction which some researchers in the oil and sciences industries have estimated are happening from either currently or within the next 5-15 years.

The article from the Energy Information Agency that I found on Tuesday, September 21st, 2011, portrays interesting information regarding United Kingdom oil and natural gas production as well as consumption from 2000- 2010. The paths cross around 2004 with natural gas, and 2005 for oil. 

12 September 2011



This post is a continuation of what it has been created for. This profile and therefore blog of information and ideas previously recorded and express was created for a class I had taken for a politics class called Public Opinion. Now I am not in this class.

I have been accepted into the Renewable Energy major at Illinois State University and will continue the blog in the same purpose but as a recreational perspective. This will not jeopordize the material however since I stay heavily involved in the current events of the material and will resume posting this material on my blog along wiht ideas, critique, evidence, etcetera.